About Us

About Narenda

Hello, I am Narendra Nathan, commonly known as Narendra. My career spanned 42 years as a Chartered Professional Civil Engineer, during which I also devoted 30 years to practicing Yoga. For over 15 years, I have been teaching Yoga within the community, and my personal journey with Yoga now extends beyond 25 years.

My growing passion for Yoga led me to retire from engineering and dedicate my life to Yoga and community service. My mission is to offer affordable and authentic Yoga, rooted in the ancient practices of Indian sages, free from modern gimmicks and distortions.

Narendra Nathan


Narendra Nathan

All About Yoga

The benefits of Yoga, recognized for thousands of years, have recently been validated by scientific research in Europe and the USA. My aim is to bring the comprehensive practice of Ashtanga Yoga (eight limbs of Yoga) as expounded by Sage Patanjali to the community. This aspiration led to the establishment of Sanatana Yoga Academy (SYA). The term “Sanatana” signifies something that is eternal or timeless. At SYA, our goal is to preserve and teach Yoga in its most authentic form, as it has been since its inception.

In keeping with the tradition of Yoga, I have developed programs specifically for often overlooked community groups, such as seniors and prisoners. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to show you how the eight limbs of Yoga can positively influence your life in numerous ways.