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AUG12 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Learn How Yoga can Benefit you Even if you have Never Done Yoga before
Do you struggle with breathing, feeling blocked in your lungs and nostrils, experience frequent sinus attacks and tire easily, prone to depression and anxiety, difficulty falling asleep, having hypertension, difficulty losing weight despite exercise, or are you an athlete wanting to enhance your cardio fitness and concentration. Then learn the basics of breathing and how to apply breath control techniques to improve physical and mental health. Prana Yama means controlling our life energy through breath control. Our Bio Energy (Prana) can be balanced and regulated by breath control. This results in a calmer mind and a healthy body. Learn the various Prana Yama techniques that are applicable for different health situations. They are even more relevant in this modern age of automation, material wealth, stress and ill-health.
The workshop covers the following topics:
Anyone interested in improving your mental and physical health by breath control.
Saturday, 29th April, 2023 2pm to 4.30pm
This is an online workshop by Zoom
Register through Eventbrite, if you have any difficulties call + 61 438 496 040 or email
Bring a yoga mat, drinking water, and a towel. If you cannot sit on the floor, you can sit on a chair.