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AUG12 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Learn How Yoga can Benefit you Even if you have Never Done Yoga before
(Explore Sanatana Dharma, how it can help you live a stress free life in the world, ask your questions & seek answers)
What this workshop is about: Sanatana Dharma means eternal truth or eternal way of life. Visitors to ancient India called it Hinduism when they encountered the practices and beliefs of people who lived in the Indus valley. In this workshop we explore what is Sanatana Dharma, its origins, the basic tenets, teachings on various aspects of life from child to retiree and how it is truly relevant in the current era to humanity. Topics covered include discussions on the history, origins, founder, contributors, scriptures, Creation, what is God, form worship, what is Vedas and Vedanta, why do people suffer, how to avoid suffering, is there heaven and hell, Purpose of life, Yoga, rituals, prayers, various faiths in the world. The workshop will be conducted interactively with all the participants being able to contribute. The workshop will be conducted in English. This workshop is being conducted in association with the Perth Hindu Temple, Warton Road,
Who can attend: Students, youth, young adults, young parents, and anyone who is interested to know more about the ancient wisdom of India can attend.
What you get out of this workshop: Understanding of the basic tenets of the faith, it’s origins, how to journey through life with a purpose and focus using Sanatana Dharma beliefs and practices as the anchor, and how to incorporate Sanatana Dharma in day to day life in the modern era to live inclusively in a multi-cultural society, reduce stress, anxiety and chronic conditions with purpose and energy.
When: 9th July 2.00pm to 5.00pm and 16th July 2pm to 5pm
Where: Perth Hindu Temple, Multi Purpose Hall, 271, Warton Road, Canningvale, WA 6155
How to register:
Use the Eventbrite link below to register;
If you wish to join the workshop online through Zoom, please use the Zoom link below:
If you have any issues with registration, please email us at or call 0438496040.
About the facilitator: Narendranathan is a chartered professional engineer by profession. He has been conducting workshops and regular study sessions on Sanatana Dharma for the past 25 years in Perth and Singapore. In addition he is also a trained Ashtanga Yoga teacher and practises Yoga and teaches Yoga in the community.
What is Hindu TRAC initiative : Hindu TRAC is an initiative to bring our Traditions, Religion, Aspiration & Culture(TRAC) to youth, young adults and young families . Hindu TRAC brings us together under the banner of Sanatana Dharma irrespective of our country of origins, sec