8 sessions, each for 90minutes, start date to be advised, email us at sanatanayogaacademy@gmail.com or call us ( +61438496040) to express your interest
Have you tried meditation before and found it hard to focus? Did you find the meditation practice you tried not resonating with you? With the proliferation of meditative practices with countless benefits being claimed, learn how to find meditative practices that will benefit you, and help you deal with your issues. Learn what exactly is meditation and the steps towards meditation? How to use meditation to deal with the physical or mental issues that bother you. Meditation can be practiced by both atheists and agnostics as well as theists. You can customize your meditation practice no matter what your belief system is. In these eight sessions, you will find something that will resonate with you and your needs.
Benefits of the workshop to you are:
- A clearer understanding of what is Meditation.
- Understand Mindfulness-based practices.
- Ability to handle stress, anxiety and depression, addictions.
- Ability to concentrate better on your day-to-day tasks.
- Increased mental and physical energy.
- Being mindful of the consequence of our actions
- Better hormonal health, and physical health
- Ability to manage and live with chronic health issues such as hypertension, thyroid, diabetes, MS, and chronic pain.
- Teach you a framework for meditation to suit your belief system.
- Ability to formulate your own Meditation practice to fit your needs and time.
The workshop will cover the following topics.
- An overview of the eight limbs of Yoga
- What is meditation?
- What is not meditation?
- Why are there are so many meditation practices?
- How to choose the practice that suits you
- How to develop concentration
- How to start on meditation
- Where does meditation take you in life?
- Any other questions you may have regarding meditation practice.
Who should attend: Anyone interested in using Meditation to lead a balanced peaceful life.
Fee: $80 for all eight sessions (recommended to attend all eight sessions).
When: TBA
Where: 5, Janter Close, Willetton WA 6155, Western Australia (parking on driveway and lawn)
For registration, Call + 61 438 496 040 or email sanatanayogaacademy@gmail.com
(pre-registration is essential, casual walk-in attendees will not be accepted)
What should you bring: Bring a yoga mat, cushion, and drinking water.