Here we are in 2023 after all the ups and downs of 2021 and 2022 – Yoga Practice

Published on February 28, 2023
9:25 AM

So, what are your plans and resolutions, we all might have become a bit untethered from our regular habits and disciplines during the festive break with respect to food, drinks, exercise? That’s fine. Going into 2023, what are your resolutions?

  • Stop procrastinating?
  • Stop watching Netflix till 1am?
  • Stop eating junk food and lose weight?
  • Get 30 minutes of physical activity daily such as Yoga Practice?
  • Stop yelling at the kids learn Meditation?
  • Take a course on motivation or and habit changes?
  • Spend more time with the family?
  • Stop worrying about finance, Covid and learn to do Yoga for Stress?

Well, the list goes on and on.

Here are three resolutions that I suggest all of us can embrace:

I will always have Gratitude:

Be grateful to all we have, do not stress about what we do not have, be grateful to all those who helped us in our life – parents, teachers, family, community, those who threw obstacles and slander at me, I am grateful to them for they taught me fortitude and forgiveness.

Every time you sit to eat focus your mind on the food and eating, mindfully pay gratitude to all those who worked hard to put the food on your plate – mother nature who provided the sunlight, water, earth, wind, and heat to make the crops grow, farmers who toiled the fields hard, the traders, the shop assistants, the delivery persons, my employer who gave me a job to sustain myself, my parents and teachers who gave me the education to find a vocation,

I will exude Kindness to all being great and small:

Kindness means not hurting anyone, be kind to yourself first, whatever your shortcoming do not judge yourself harshly, accept your shortcomings and work on them one at a time. Similarly, accept others as they are. Try to put a smile on someone’s face every day by a kind word or a kind act. Kindness is contagious. Be kind to all living beings in creation and be aware of their pains, trials, and tribulations. Even if you cannot help them, you can have a kind thought or a prayer for them.

You cannot always oblige everyone, but you can always speak obligingly to all, even if you disagree with them.

Forgiveness will be my life breath

Forgive those who hurt you. Seek forgiveness from those you have hurt. Hurt can be by thought, word, and deed. Therefore, watch your thoughts, words, and deeds. Make sure your deeds and words come from your heart and are always beneficial for others.

On a daily basis, make it a point to forgive those who hurt you, similarly seek forgiveness from those you have hurt.

I will find 30 minutes a day for Yoga Practice

The Benefits of Yoga Practice are well documented by the scientific community. It is known to reduce stress and improve your calmness at times of stress. Whether you do Yoga for Stress or Yoga for Weight Loss or Meditation to reduce stress there will always be a Yoga Academy near you. 

At Sanatana Yoga Academy we offer Live Yoga sessions as well as online Yoga Sessions. Our reviews on Google will tell you what we achieve with our Clients who think that we one of the best Yoga Academy in Australia. Reach out to us for Live Yoga sessions at our studio or for our Online Yoga sessions and Online workshops where ever you are in this beautiful world of ours. 

In summary.

A) Daily in the morning when you wake up sit on your bed and;

  • Pay gratitude to all those who have helped you in your life
  • Affirm that you will spend your day being kind to others despite any aggravations.
  • Forgive all those who have hurt you and send them your love and gratitude too.

B) During your meals ;

Focus your mind on the food and eating, mindfully pay gratitude to all those who worked hard to put the food on your plate – mother nature who provided the sunlight, water, earth, wind, and heat to make the crops grow, farmers who toiled the fields hard, the traders, the shop assistants, the delivery persons, my employer who gave me a job to sustain myself, my parents and teachers who gave me the education to find a vocation,

C) Daily in the nights before retiring to sleep, spend a few minutes to mentally.

  • Surrender all your worries, trials, and tribulations of the day to the Universal being and affirm I am now retiring into your fold for a deep sleep.

Let Gratitude, Kindness, and Forgiveness be the foundation on which your life is built.

D) Engage in Yoga Practices for 30 minutes 5 times a week Call us on +61438496040 (can use WhatsApp) or reach out to us by email on We will guide you to do Live Yoga Sessions with Sanatana Yoga Academy or Online Yoga sessions through our free YouTube Channel or our Online Yoga Courses


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