MINDFULNESS calms you while Yoga meditation makes you divine

Published on May 11, 2023
5:01 PM
Narendra doing Yoga Meditation

In this post I will share with you what Mindfulness is and what Meditation is.

The word Mindfulness and related practices were pioneered by Prof Jon Kabat Zinn from the Massachusetts school of Medicine. I had the good fortune to do an 8-week course formulated by him and his staff.Β 

Mindfulness means keeping your mind fully focussed on one task or one object. Whether it is cutting vegetables in the kitchen, dusting the windows or eating your meals focus on the task or issue in hand. Do not let the mind wander around. Mindfulness practices have their roots in the sixth Limb of Yoga called Dharana. Literally translated Dharana means one pointed concentration. The Yogis sought to control the monkey mind to focus on the Godhead by Dharana Practices. There are many ancient dharana Practices that train the mind to obey the inner consciousness and stay still focussed on one point or one task.Β 

One pointed concentration is the essential pre-requisite to the seventh limb of Yoga which is Meditation. In Meditation practices the meditator and the Object of meditation merge. This provides an experience beyond your senses, where as Mindfulness or Dharana practice is an experience at the sensory level.Β 

The Yogi who is progressing in Meditation will not see differences among people, will be focussed on positive aspects of life and incidents that unfold around us.Β 

Thus, it is important to know the difference between Mindfulness techniques and Meditation techniques to achieve a state of equanimity. While one Pointed Concentration practices themselves provide great benefits at the physical and mental level, Meditation techniques take the practitioner to the next level of awareness and to realise the unity in the apparent diversity in creation. In short Mindfulness or Dharana practices are carried out at the level of the senses and mind while meditation goes beyond the senses and connects with the One within and everywhere.

Strive to develop 15 to 20 minutes of Meditation practice daily and experience the benefits of meditation which is now commonly accepted and validated by science.

Learn the essentials of meditation and try ancient meditation practices that you can do throughout your life.Β 

Learn what exactly is meditation and the steps towards meditation? How to use meditation to deal with the physical or mental issues that bother you.Β 

Meditation can be practiced by both atheists and agnostics as well as theists. You can customize your meditation practice no matter what your belief system is.Β 

Join my online Meditation workshop conduced over two one hour sessions on 17th and 24th May 2023, fom 6.30pm to 7.30pm West Australian time. In these two sessions you will find something that will resonate with you and your needs.Β 

For more details and registration click here;https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/how-to-meditate-and-find-peace-online-workshop-for-all-levels-tickets-622373946227


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