Start date to be advised, email us(  or call us ( +61438496040)  to express your interest 
Have you pondered on the meaning of life, struggled to reconcile with violence and suffering, conflicts, famine and natural disasters and where the world is heading to.  Where did I come from, where am I heading, how am I made up, why is there suffering? How do I handle suffering? Death and beyond, we discuss some points of view for your consideration and introspection.  The retreat will also cover how Yoga can be applied and practiced irrespective of your belief system in daily life to overcome the challenges of life. Come with an open mind, unburden your doubts and worries, learn from each other, share with each other and get a fresh perspective on life.

Benefits of this retreat are:

  1. Clearer perspective of who you are and where you came from
  2. Have a Yogic perspective of life, creation, self, family, society
  3. Ability to understand the ups and downs through the laws of Karma
  4. Understanding the force behind the creation process
  5. Your role in family, society, workplace and what opportunities these offer to you to mature as a better person
  6. What are religion and spirituality?
  7. Importance of living in balance with nature, and other living beings
  8. Become mindful of your actions, and the impact of your actions on other beings, nature, and hence yourself.
  9. Some tools from Yoga to handle the ups and downs of life with calmness