Published on April 14, 2023
12:31 PM
Narendra showing Prana Yama

Commonly we associate the word Yoga or Yoga Practice with physical moves such as
forward or backward bending, twisting, inverting with legs above the head and related
stretches. Well, this aspect of Yoga is called Asanas (or postures) and this is the third of the
eight limbs of Yoga. This is why the original Yoga of India is called Ashtanga Yoga – Ashta(
eight), Anga( eimb) yoga or Eight limbed Yoga.
So next time you attend a Yoga session, and it is all about physical moves then remember
you are at a Yoga Asana session. Prana Yama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga. Prana
means Vital life force. There are 5 Pranas that operate in 5 zones of our physical body. Yama
means manage or control. Therefore Prana Yama means Control of our Vital airs ( Prana).
Why must we do Prana Yama ? And What are the Benefits of Prana Yama? Let me
explain below;
Why do Prana Yama:
Our Bio Energy (Prana) can get out of balance due to the types of food we consume, type of
persons we keep company with, types of activities we undertake, types of places we visit, our
thoughts, word and deeds in short. This Prana imbalance can lead to dis – ease of the mind
and also diseases of the body.
Prana blockages and imbalances can be balanced and released by regulated breath control.
Our mind field is contained within the Prana field. When the Prana forces are re- balanced
and Prana blockages released, this results in a calmer mind and a healthy body.
There are several Prana Yama practices that prevail today, all with different benefits. Some
of these techniques are not suitable for those who are not leading a lifestyle of the Yogis of
India and hence could have adverse side effects on your mind or body. All this can be
daunting to someone who is venturing into Beginners Yoga or Beginners Prana Yama.
You need to understand what Prana Yama is, what are the essential techniques for day to
day living, especially for many of us caught up in the Jetstream of modern-day life.
Some of the essential prana Yama practices can be learnt and implemented as a 5 to 10
minute practice daily. The benefits will be evident within a week to a few weeks of regular
practice. My chronic sinus issues which plagued me from childhood subsided within the first
week of my Prana Yama practice, thanks to my teacher Sathya Sai Baba of India.
Learn the essential Prana Yama techniques that are applicable for different health
situations. They are even more relevant in this modern age of automation, material wealth,
stress, and ill-health.
Benefits of Prana Yama are:

  • Helps with better mind and sense control.
  • Refreshes and makes the body feel light.
  • Reduces issues with hypertension.
  • Increases and strengthens lung capacity & Reduces respiratory issues.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Removes toxins from the body and stimulates the excretory system.
  • Maintains healthy skin tone and reduces acne issues.
  • Stimulates the hormonal system in the body and enhances mood and the nervous
  • Stimulates and energizes the nervous system.
  • Addresses problems related to high blood pressure, allergic rhinitis, vasomotor
    rhinitis, sinusitis, recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract, chronic
    headaches, migraine, peptic ulcers, and anxiety.
    If you want to learn the essentials of Prana Yama and start practicing Prana Yama register for
    my forthcoming online workshop here, https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/essentials-of-pranayama-practice-an-online-course-for-beginners-tickets-615001615387
    If you have any issues with registration or would like to ask, contact me at


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