How to beat your stress without spending thousands of $ and tons of hours with counsellors ” and “ GO FROM STRESS TO SERENITY IN LIFE BY EMBRACING YOGA PRACTICES”

Hello friend,


(in the above I have included deliverables from the order bump & Upsell as well, any thoughts?)

Here’s the secret:

No More endless sessions with counsellors, No more struggling to figure it all out on your own, OR unsure of where to start,  ENDING UP IN flitting from course to course


Recently I had a customer joining coming in with shoulder and neck tightness and pain, inability to sleep well. I assessed that the fundamental cause was her internal stress and her inner energy balances. I assessed her energies and started her on a regimen of breathing techniques and asanas.
Just after a few sessions this is what she had to say “ Hi, Narendra just wanted to report that I slept like a baby last night, plus I’ve not had to put any soothing cream on my shoulders today! Thank you“

Then there was this customer who came to me walking literally on the partners shoulder, dragging the left leg and foot along the floor due to seven strokes in the apst 10 years, having incontinence and hence unable to go for walks, high blood pressure, diabetes with insulin resistance. All this was despite many years of rehabilitation with various types of practitioners. He was worth millions but could not have his health despite his wealth. I assessed his inner energy balances and established the various causative factors, started him off on Relaxation, Yoga Asanas relevant to his conditions, breathing and contemplative practices. Within a few weeks he was able to release his hidden childhood trauma that caused him constant stress and anxiety, regained the use of left leg and has been enjoying his walks again without incontinence. He has been my client for more than 14 months advancing through various practices which helped him regain his life.

What’s the secret of what I achieved for these customers?

I applied by combined knowledge of Yoga practices, Ayurveda (ancient science of Indian life sciences) to guide my customers through various yoga practices appropriate for them and their conditions.

What was common with the above customers? Their underlying cause was stress. They took the first step to break out of it, and they were willing to be committed to practice regularly. This is what made them winners.


DISCLAIMER: This course only works for people who are truly trying to overcome or manage their life stress and associated health issues without relying on medications alone.

If the only reason you want to join this course is to learn some physical yoga poses and get strong or, you are not willing to invest time daily to follow this course and create new regimens and habits for your self-practice after the course, then this course isn’t for you.

If you have some medical conditions either past or ongoing, please consult your doctor and discuss what you intend to do. This course is not a substitute for medical advice.

If you are a seeking alternative approaches to cure or manage for your stress and related health issues and you are committed to change habits, willing to allocate time to Reinvent your life of Stress to attain Serenity, then keep reading…

Get The Guidance to banish your life stress and all it’s associated health issues and achieve a life of Serenity and Peace

Hello friends,

I am Narendra from Sanatana Yoga Academy. I am a Chartered Civil Engineer by profession and worked in many countries including my native Sri Lanka then in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and finally in Australia where I settled down with my family in sunny Perth. During my working career I got introduced to yoga as a possible alternative to long distance running which I could not do any more due to a left knee issue (something I might have inherited from my days of playing rugby union).

I loved the kick I got out of yoga and never looked back since then for the last 31 years. I started teaching Yoga in Australia around 16 years and decided to do it full time when I retired from my engineering career. You guessed it, I am an old bull, but not a spent bull. As my kids say I am still a kid in my head. I teach at my home yoga studio and give back to the community by free sessions at prisons and community centers.  I delved deep into the Yogic texts, and the science of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian Science of Life and found it fascinating. As an Engineer turned Yoga teacher I found the logic, and the science behind the ancient wisdom of India very fascinating, especially explanation of how the Human machine works, how things can go wrong, how to trouble shoot the human machine and the maintenance techniques to steer the human machine to it’s ultimate destination, through the highways and bumpy roads of life. Applying all my knowledge into practice to transform my mind and habits was the greatest reward and this journey still continues. This is when I felt that I was blessed to have come across all this knowledge through wonderful teachers and masters. This sense of gratitude prompted me to share my knowledge for the benefit of others. 

Having taught face to face for more than 15 years and enjoyed helping people I sincerely wish to bring this to benefit customers who cannot meet with me face to face in person either due to geographical distance, pandemic lock downs or being unable to fit into the time slots I have for my face-to-face sessions.  The COVID pandemic taught a technology dinosaur like me the benefits of going online. Like a toddler learning to walk, I learned how to share my knowledge with customers by developing online courses, thanks to some wonderful teachers who taught me all what it takes to overcome my technology fears and then the fundamentals required to set up online courses so that I can reach to people like you.

I am almost tempted to say “Thank you COVID, because you taught me and the world how to broaden our horizons and connect with each other online without leaving our homes”

My motivation to reach out to all of you around the globe is propelled by the feed back I get in my Google reviews and testimonials.

The global wellness industry, including spiritual self-care, has grown to $4 trillion since 2017, twice as fast as the growth of the global economy. (Source: Global Wellness Institute).

Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity and religion, no one is immune to the burdens of stress. Statistics demonstrate the widespread prevalence of stress of mind.

The Global Organization for Stress reports that:

  1. 75 percent of Americans and 91% of Australian have experienced moderate to high stress levels in the recent times
  2. Stress is the number one health concern of high school students
  3. 80 percent of people feel stress at work
  4. About 450,000 workers in Britain believe their stress was making them ill
  5. 86 percent of Chinese workers reporting stress

People who tend to experience particularly high rates of stress include, Ethnic minorities, Women, Single parents, People responsible for their family’s health care decisions

Constant exposure to stress can cause physical problems such as headaches, constipation, diarrhea, chest pain, insomnia, and grinding teeth. Left unchecked, stress can increase a person’s risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It’s also thought to play a role in autoimmune disease,” says Carolyn M. Mazure, PhD, a Yale Medicine psychologist and director of Women’s Health Research at Yale. 

If you are part of these statistics, I am here to help you. 

Here are a few more reasons that gives the motivation to wake up daily and reach out to all of you.


(What you need to know about Yoga to rediscover your life, banishing stress and regaining your mental & physical health)

Narendra’s course on FROM STRESS TO SERENITY

will help you reinvent your Life through Yoga practices and is going to help all those feeling stressed by life and seeking to realign and reinvent their life, feel trapped in and endless treadmill of day-to-day rush, rush meals, unhealthy lifestyle and even chronic issues such as hyper tension, stress, anxiety to feel empowered to banish their stress, regain their life with full energy and certainty, by teaching you the practice and philosophy of all the eight limbs of Yoga, with a unique content for to suit you. Whether you have practiced yoga for decades or you are an absolute beginner, you will find this course providing insights into Yoga and life in it’s unique way. Try it and enjoy the experience like many others who have done it.  This course will launch your life on a trajectory in life that will forever change your mindset and the view of the world around you leading to serenity in your life.

What’s the secret of what I achieved for these customers?

  1. understand what stress is and where it comes from
  2. assess how you respond to stress
  3. assess how prone you are to stress
  4. learn to breathe to calm your nerves
  5. learn to calm your mind by Yoga practices
  6. create anti stress hormones through Yoga practices
  7. understand your inner energy imbalances &learn to manage relationships and situations with calmness
  8. choose your food according to your inner energies
  9. share your experiences with likeminded people ( Stress Busters FB group)
  10. How to overcome and manage your Stress & related health issues in a few weeks with ease.
  11. Why you need to start on your Yoga practices in order to manage or you’re your stress issues.
  12. The secrets that every person affected by stress and related health issues needs to know in order to regain serenity in their life.


  1. Think you need to spend time, energy and money with endless counselling sessions and endless list of medications? I’ll show you how manage your tress and regain your peace in life within a few weeks of regular practice.
  2. Give me 12 weeks of your dedicated focus and energy and I’ll give you everything you need to overcome your stress and reinvent a life of serenity and health.
  3. I’ll show you how my customer who had heart health related stress issues went from darkness to peace and health.
  4. The #1 reason why someone affected by stress of life can never manage or overcome their stress and achieve peace in life is not willing to take ownership of the issue and commit time to resolve it, I will guide you to avoid this pitfall.


  1. A step-by-step walkthrough of various Yoga practices to reach your state of serenity by reducing or banishing your stress.
  2. What to do if you want to manage your stress and rediscover serenity in your life.
  3. The secret to getting started towards your journey towards peace and serenity in life and make stress a thing of the past.
  4. Plus, videos, worksheets, reference materials, practice diaries, journals, inspirational contemplations and meditations that will help make sure you manage or overcome your stress quickly!

This Method Works Even If you think you cannot master Yoga practices with your busy schedules

You might be thinking that you’ll need to get fit and healthy to start Yoga practices, but

the course is formulated for an absolute beginner or a seasoned Yogi to both benefit and start on their journey from Stress to Serenity.

That’s why I’m so so excited to be sharing my course From Stress to Serenity with you today and I can’t wait for you to get started!

For purchasers of Stress to Serenity there are several other courses at highly discounted prices to help you progress your journey to Serenity further and faster .


Act Now
And Get These 2 Bonuses For Free!

Bonus #1: “Beating entrenched patterns to how to develop new habits”

( overcome inertia to create new habits in life and succeed in all aspects of your life)

As you embark on your Yoga Journey to overcome stress, there is always inertia to be contended with. Learn how to deal with internal resistance and inertia to change, especially a change that will re make your life forever.

Bonus #2: “Relax with these Guided relaxation scripts”

( relax and re- connect to your inner self)

These relaxation scripts help you calm your mind, nervous system, breathing and re- connect with your inner self and create a positive outlook to life and humanity 


Recently I had a customer joining coming in with shoulder and neck tightness and pain, inability to sleep well. I assessed that the fundamental cause was her internal stress and her inner energy balances. I assessed her energies and started her on a regimen of breathing techniques and asanas.

Just after a few sessions this is what she had to say “ Hi, Narendra just wanted to report that I slept like a baby last night, plus I’ve not had to put any soothing cream on my shoulders today! Thank you “

1-Year Money-Back Guarantee

 and the bonuses for one full year.

If, for some reason, you don’t find them useful, I’ll refund you the full $40.

Just send me an email at [ with your reasons for requesting the refund.


See you on the inside,

Yours truly

Narendra Nathan ( call me Narendra)


Here is a summary of our course features for those who don’t like to read… 😉

  1. This course is for all those affected by the Stress of Life, tried various treatment with not much success now and wish to rediscover a life of serenity


  1. Learn the five steps to starting on your journey from Stress to Serenity using Yoga practices


  1. What modern neuro science says about stress


  1. Are you prone for stress, how do you respond to stress. Learn what Ayruveda, the ancient life science of India has to say about you.


  1. What is Yoga and Why Yoga along with the benefits of Yoga practices


  1. Step by step guidance on Starting Yoga and how to progress through the various Yoga practices essential for a beginner or experienced person to find relief from Stress and related health issues.

  2. Guidance on how to avoid false steps and pitfalls on your Yoga journey to Serenity.

  3. Understand the 8 limbs of Yoga and how they can enhance your life
  4. How to eat to suit your inner energies
  5. Learning how to change old habits and re- learn new habits on your journey to peace.


Develop a practice that can give you peace for a lifetime

About The Creator

My professional back ground

As a chartered civil engineer with a Masters Degree from University of New South Wales, I worked on a variety of projects in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Australia. Since 1998 I was based in Perth and was involved in consulting to land developers, mining , energy companies. My professional career exposed to me to many cultures, working environments and enriched by human experience.

During my working career in Perth, I had been teaching free Yoga classes at Willagee community Centre in Perth.


My community teaching experience with Yoga

During my working career as an Engineer , I taught Yoga and meditation in the community free of charge . The estimated teaching time is around 500 hours. Whereas my personal practice of Yoga exceeds 3,000 hours.

I am also an Accredited Mental Health Frist Aider 

I have conducted workshops on Prana Yama, Yoga for Thyroid, Food & Health, Weight Loss through Yoga practices, Stress Management whereby Yoga and Ayurveda aspects are combined.

I have been volunteering to teach Yoga at prisons and community centres free of charge to give back to the community. 


My interest in Yoga

I credit my knowledge to the grace and teaching of my Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba of India.

My knowledge and confidence is because of the teachings he imparted on Yoga and all it’s 8 limbs.

I also train teachers in Light Meditation, Human Values, Human creation and make up including the inner instruments of human being,

I have been practicing Asanas and meditation for more than 30 years and teaching for more than 15 years.

I also retain a great interest on Ayurveda (the ancient life science from India) found it fascinating to integrate with Yoga practices to help people overcome their mental and physical challenges in family, work, relationships and health.

I set up Sanatana Yoga Academy to offer affordable and authentic Yoga to the community.

I have also been keeping abreast of research findings on the benefits of Yoga being published from various medical and research institutions from India, USA and Europe.


My aspirations to help people discover Yoga to change their life:

My aspiration is to help people suffering from stress in life and the related health issues such as hypertension, body tightness – neck , shoulder tightness and pain, anxiety, depression, diabetes, hypo thyroid, obesity  and similar conditions.

While I have been doing this through face tof ace sessions in my home studio at Perth<, Western Australia online courses enables me to reach out to the entire world who could benefit from my experience and knowledge.