Do you get flight anxiety attacks when you travel by air? Try this Relaxation technique

Published on February 28, 2023
9:06 AM

There are many reasons why anxiety attacks are triggered in people. Flight anxiety is a panic attack some people experience when they are about to board a plane or must undertake air travel be it for work or leisure. Risks of air travel, air crashes all regularly feature in news and documentaries. So, perhaps flight anxiety could be justified. How can we deal with this type of anxiety attack and enjoy our flight?

Here is something you could try, once you board close your eyes and mentally recite 

” I surrender my fear and anxiety to the primordial universal being of love, please take me and my fellow passengers on this flight with peace and safety “. 

Thereafter relax in your seat ( with your seat belt on ofcourse), close your eyes, bring your mind and it’s awareness to your throat, turn the mind and it’s awareness inwards to look into the hollow of your throat ( ie your windpipe), now as you inhale/ exhale through your nostrils get your mind to observe the inhale breath moving down the throat and exhale breath rising up the throat, visualize your breath as a bouncing ball and focus your mind to watch the inhale bouncing down the throat and exhale bouncing up the throat, every time your mind wanders or drifts away from your throat gently, lovingly bring the mind back to the throat. Keep doing this as long as you want starting from take-off. 

You can do the above in any situation when you have an anxiety attack. You can do this with your eyes closed, but with some training, you can also do this with your eyes open. You can try the above at any time to calm your mind anywhere. You could even do this with your eyes open in your workplace. If you are in a situation other than a flight you could affirm thus, ” I surrender my fear and anxiety to the primordial universal being of love, please take away my anxiety/ worries/ stress/ fears, make my day one of peace and happiness, I surrender to thee”.

Here also two more relaxation practices you can download for free and try,

Please let me know how your flight experience was on my email 

You are never too old to start Yoga practices. So why not commence your Yoga journey with Sanatana Yoga Academy. If you want to discuss more on Beginners Yoga, Seniors Yoga or Advanced Yoga Practices be it Online Yoga Sessions of Live Yoga Sessions visit us on or email Narendra at


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